If you are following me on my instagram account (fashionpumpkinblog) you will already know that recently I went on a trip to Vienna. While visiting Vienna I have stayed in a hotel Palais Hansen Kempinski and excitement of stepping into new luxury hotel, never ever gets old. Housed in a listed building, in the heart of Vienna , Schottering street, part of a glamorous and famous Ringstrasse boulevards is the ideal location to explore the city. From the moment I stepped through the palatial doors of hotel to a lobby/lounge bar it was clear that this place is a perfect combination of contemporary design, architecture and luxury.
Stepping into my room (junior suit) felt like walking into bubble of luxury. Pleasant sense of space provided by the historical building’s high ceilings, beautiful sumptuous furnishings and marble bathroom just oozes a luxurious atmosphere. The huge king size bed was dressed in Egyptian cotton bedding and I felt like I was sleeping in clouds, honestly! What I also found truly unique is that room is equipped with Nespresso coffee machine and an iPad, they for sure thinking about all those small details to make your stay memorable.
Palais Hensen Kempinski has two restaurants, Die Kuche and Edvard, Michellin star restaurant. Both of these restaurants are different in terms of style and atmosphere but both feature high class cooking and creativity under a Michelin star chef Phillip Vogel. Breakfast is served at Die Kuche and serves everything you can think of, from huge selection of pastries to hot breakfast not to mention bottomless champagne. It was definitely best breakfast buffet I have ever had in terms of taste, service and choice.
Ottoman style lamps, mosaics and wooden folding screens, decorated in warm shades of brown and red, makes a perfect atmosphere for relaxation. Gym, six treatment rooms that offer a variety of luxury treatments , a hydro pool, a steam room, and a bio sauna with mixed and ladies only area are just some of the features that spa offers and let you forget time and space.
The Palais Hansen Kempinski has 152 rooms and suits, two restaurants, two bars, a cigar lounge, six function rooms, a ballroom, a florist, a delicatessen, fitness and a spa area that is perfect weather you are planning a short or a long time holiday. One thing that sets the hotel apart is the service, which I would say is even beyond five star. With all of the luxurious little extras and thoughtful touches, it is a grand luxury that really sets itself apart with its attention to detail.
For more information about hotel and reservation please visit hotel web site
Ukoliko me redovno pratite na mom Instagram profilu (fashionpumpkinblog ) onda vam je već poznato da sam nedavno posetila Beč. Tokom posete Beču boravila sam u hotelu Palais Hansen Kempinski, uzbuđenje i sam ulazak u novi i luksuzan hotel nikad nezastaruje. Smešten u istorijski zaštićenoj građevini, u srcu Beča, Schottering ulici, dela poznatog i glamuroznog Ringstrasse bulevara, idealne je lokacije za istraživanje grada. Od trenutka kada sam kročila kroz veličanstvena vrata hotela do ulaska u lobi, bilo je jasno da je ovo mesto, hotel, savršena kombinacija savremenog dizajna, arhitekture i luksuza.
Ulazak u sobu, apartman, (junior suit) bio je poput hodanja po mehurićima luksuza. Prijatan osećaj prostora daju visoki plafoni istorijske građevine, raskošan nameštaj, mermerno kupatilo, sve jednom reći odiše luksuzom. Ogroman bračni krevet, posteljina od najfinijeg egipatskog pamuka, imala sam osećaj kao da spavam među oblacima, ali iskreno! Ono što je takođe jedinstveno, jeste da soba poseduje Nespresso kafe aparat i iPad, to je samo jedan od onih malih detalja kojim hotel želi da boravak gosta u ovom hotelu učini potpuno nezaboravnim.
Palais Hensen Kempinski ima dva restorana, Die Kuche i Edvard, koji poseduje Mišelin zvezdicu. Oba restorana su različita po stilu i atmosferi ali ono što im je zajedničko jeste visok standard kuvanja i kreativnost koju vodi kuvar sa Mišelin zvezdicom, Phillip Vogel. Doručak se služi u Die Kuche restoranu, služi se sve sto bi vam moglo pasti na pamet, od predivnih peciva do kuvanog doručka po vašem ukusu i to uz šampanjac koji se neprestano sipa. Bio je ovo stvarno najbolji doručak koji sam pojela, u smislu izbora, ukusa i usluge.
Osmanski stil lampe,mozaici i harmonika vrata od drveta, topli tonovi smeđe i crvene boje kojom je uređen spa centar čine savršenu atmosferu za opuštanje. Teretana, šest soba za tretmane koje nude različite luksuzne tretmane, hidro bazen, parna soba i bio sauna, te sauna samo za dame, samo su neke od karakteristika ovog divnog spa centra, koji vam pruža osećaj da zaboravite vreme i prostor gde se nalazite.
Palais Hensen Kempinski poseduje 152 sobe i apartmana, dva restorana, dva bara, šest soba za sastanke, plesnu dvoranu, cvećaru, delikates prodavnicu i spa centar koji su savršeni bilo da planirate kratak ili dugi odmor. Nešto što stvarno izdvaja ovaj hotel jeste usluga, koja po meni prevazilazi čak i standard usluge pet zvezdica. Luksuzni mali dodaci i detalji koje ovaj hotel pruža stvarno ga čine posebnim i nezaboravnim.
Za više informacija o hotelu ili da rezervišete ovaj hotel posetite njihovu stranicu