We still have tropical summer here and last few days most of the time I have spent in the pool with my kids. I am still continuing with my exercise routine in the gym and I feel so good and after only a month I can already see some results :). I hope so you have checked my last post where I have started a new selection on my blog about my beauty routine if not please do ;-). In this post I am wearing this flowery flirty dress that is perfect for summer, with the right accessorize it could be perfect for day or evening. I have decided to pair it with high heels and I think this combination is perfect for a night out. What do you think about this outfit?
Još uvek vladaju tropske vrućine i poslednjih nekoliko dana najviše vremena provodim u bazenu sa svojom decom. I dalje odlazim redovno u teretanu i osećam se baš dobro, posle samo mesec dana vežbanja mogu da vidim rezultate. Nadam se da ste pogledali moj poslednji post, novu sekciju na mom blogu o lepoti, a ako niste, brzo skoknite da proverite 🙂 . U današnjem postu nosim ovu cvetnu i lepršavu haljinicu koja je savršena za leto, sa pravim aksesoarima mogla bi da se nosi za večernje izlaske ili čak i u dnevnoj varijanti. Moja kombinacija je sa visokim štiklama i mislim da je savršena za večernji izlazak. Kao se vama dopada?