Those who follow my blog will know how much lately I like bohemian vibe outfits and I must admit I have discovered brand that this season is having all this kind of pieces and that is Monsoon.
Monsoon’s new collection is feminine and bohemian inspired with modern twist so for sure you will see me wearing quite a lot of their pieces this autumn. Starting already with today’s post where my inspiration is coming with September month a month when most students are going back to university and always have that dilemma what to wear. My advice would be to wear an outfit like this one that I am wearing today. Beautiful trousers that are so comfy and yet so chic combined with simple yet beautiful blouse with embroidery, a bite of accessories (backpack and necklece by Accessorize), but not too much and have a wonderful time at university!
But what if you are not university student, don’t worry this outfit is still perfect for you (like for me as I am not a student :))as it is so diverse, you can still wear it as a work wear or perhaps as a casual day outfit like me.
How do you like this outfit? Where would you wear it?
P.S Don’t forget the credits for the clothes are on the left side of the page… all the clothes is available both in Serbia and UK
Oni koji prate moj blog će znati koliko u poslednje vreme volim boemski inspirisane komade garderobe i moram da priznam da nije bilo lako ali napokon sam pronašla brend koji ove sezone ima ovakve komade a to je Monsoon.
Nova kolekcija ovog britanskog brenda je ženstvena i boemski inspirisana sa modernim elementima tako da će te me zasigurno videti ove jeseni kako je često nosim. Ukoliko već počevši sa današnjim postom, a za koji mi je inspiracija mesec Septembar, mesec kada se većina studenata vraća na univerzitet, i kada dolazi do dileme šta obući. Moj savet je upravo outfit koji nosim u ovom postu. Pantalone koje su tako udobne a ujedno i šik, u kombinaciji sa prelepom bluzom sa vezom, sa dodatkom aksesoara ali ni slučajno previše, kao naprimer ovaj lanac, ruksak Accessorize brenda i to je to, uživajte u univerzitetskim danima!
Ali šta ako niste student (ovo vredi i za mene 🙂 ) nebrinite, ovaj outfit je tako svestran da ga možete obući i na posao ili čak za šetnju gradom poput mene.
Kako vam se dopada ova kombinacija, gde bi ste je vi nosili?
P.S Nezaboravite da možete pronaći na levoj strani stranice sve podatke o garderobi …sva garderoba je dostupna u Srbiji i Engleskoj.