It is September as we know and for me a time when I am starting to think about autumn clothes and again Monsoon and Accessorize collections are where I am finding my inspiration. Outfit that I am wearing in todays post for me is a perfect example of transitional outfit from summer to autumn. This beautiful luxurious soft merino wool cardigan from Monsoon is a perfect key piece to wear when at this time in the late afternoon it is staring to be a bite colder. A hand embellished top and a folk inspired pattern skirt from Monsoon are perfect match to accompany this cardigan and a cute bag as this one from Accessorize.
How do you like this outfit?Please note all the garments are available in Monsoon and Accessorize (Serbia and UK)
P.S I am at the moment in London waiting for London Fashion Week to start, are there any of you my dear followers and bloggers friends around? I am also going to Milan fashion week so would be so happy to meet you 🙂
Septembar je mesec i za mene vreme kada počinjem da razmišljam o jesenjoj garderobi, ponovo su Monsoon i Accessorize brendovi gde tražim svoju inspiraciju. Outfit koji nosim u današnjem postu je savršen primer tranzicionog outfita od leta u jesen. Ključni komad je ovaj predivan, luksuzan džemper od merino vune Monsoon brenda koji je savšen za popodnevne ili večernje sate kada postaje hladno. Ručno vezena bluza i suknjica čiji je patern inspirisan folklornim motivima koji su takođe iz Monsoon kolekcije kao i ova slatka mala torbica Accessorize brenda savršen su par za ovaj predivan džemper.
Kako vam se dopada ova kombinacija?
Nezaboravite svi Monsoon i Accessorize komadi su dostupni u Srbiji i Engleskoj
P.S Trenutno sam u Londonu i čekam da počne nedelja mode, da li ije neko od vas dragi moji pratioci ili kolege blogeri ovde u Londonu? Takođe odlazim i na nedelju mode u Milano, bilo bi mi veoma drago da vas upoznam 🙂

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