Let’s continue my recent journey trip to Montenegro, this post is about amazing Regent Hotel in Porto Montenegro where I stayed. Regent hotel is a five star hotel located in a hart of a luxurious super yacht marina, Porto Montenegro.
This five story hotel has two wings and it is built in a renaissance venetian style. Regent’s renowned bespoke services is felt in every corner, with 51 deluxe and premier rooms,35 one to three bedroom suits, and of course this beautiful penthouse where I shortly stayed. Only penthouse boast s 600 sqm of which 270sqm makes up outdoor terrace (please see pics of this amazing penthouse bellow). With panoramic views,two en-suite bedrooms with private terraces, one huge terrace with amazing view of whole mariana, private plunge pools and sundecks, huge kitchen and reception are just some of the features of this amazing apartment. Hotel rooms and hotel itself it is designed by world renowned team, Tino and Henry Zervudachi of Mlinaric.
Foodies will doubtless gravitate to the Dining Room restaurant, which serves a unique blend of Mediterranean and Adriatic specialties and Fusion-Asian dishes. The Gourmet Corner is the place to get a pastry or a great selection of cakes.The Library Bar with its cosy fireplace is probably lovely in winter while the spacious terrace is perfect for sunset views during summer. The Italian Garden is a spectacular dining venue for VIP events and guests who would like an exclusive dining experience on a private island with amazing views of the marina and bay. In the grounds of the hotel you can find infinity swimming pool which is particularly inviting for sunbathers or those looking to relax and take a refreshing swim. There is also an indoor pool with whirlpool on the same floor with spectacular vistas of the marina. Regent Hotel also has a spa corner, with four individual treatment rooms, a relaxation room, sauna, steam room, hammam and a vitality pool with a juice bar.There is also a fitness center or you can play on one of the three tennis courts within the marina village. All guests also have priority access to the Lido pool in the village and a secluded beach, which is reached by boat. Many celebrities like Dita von Teese, that came to grand opening of hotel, Adriana Lima and others are just some of the guests that have stayed in hotel. As you can see this great hotel where I had amazing time is definitely a MUST place to visit or to stay as a guest.
Thank you very much to a Regents Hotel for having me as their special guest. To book a room or an apartment in this beautiful hotel please visit their web site at
Sledi nastavak mog nedavnog putovanja u Crnu Goru, ovaj post je o prelepom Regent hotelu u Portu Montenegro, u kojem sam boravila. Regent Hotel je hotel sa 5 zvezdica, i nalazi se u srcu luksuzne marine, marine Porto Montenegro. Ovaj hotel ima pet spratova i izgrađen je u renesansnom venecijanskom stilu. Ridžentova renomirana usluga se oseća u svakom uglu hotela, koji poseduje 51 deluks i premijer sobu, 35 apartmana sa jednom do 3 spavaće sobe i naravno prelepi penthouse na samom vrhu hotela u kojem sam kratko boravila. Penthouse se može pohvaliti da ima 600 metara kvadratnih, od kojih je samo vanjska terasa 270 kvadrata (pogledajte slike dole posle posta). Panoramski pogled prostire se celom dužinom penthausa, poseduje dve spavaće sobe od kojih svaka ima privatno kupatilo i terasu, još jednu velika terasa koja se prostire duž celog apartmana, bazen sa delom za ležaljke, ogromna kuhinja i dnevni boroavak su samo neke od karakteristika ovog neverovatnog apartmana. Hotelske sobe i sam interijer hotela dizajnirao je svetski poznati duo, Tino i Henri Zervudachi-Mlinaric. Uživate li u gastronomskoj hrani sigurno će te se onda uputiti u restoran hotela koji služi jedinstveni spoj mediteranse i azijske kuhinje. „Gourmet Corner“ idealno je mesto da probate predivno pecivo ili neki od kolača iz raznovrsne ponude. Biblioteka bar je predivan bar sa kaminom koji je verovatno idealno mesto zimi, dok prostrana terasa savršena je leti da uživate u zalasku sunca. Spektakularan„Italian Garden“ je mesto za VIP događaje i goste koji bi želeli eksluzivnu večeru na privatnom ostrvu sa neverovatnim pogledom na marinu i zaliv. Hotel ima dva bazena, vanjski bazen je idealan za one koji uživaju u sunčanju i plivanju, a unutrašnji koji poseduje džakuzi i predivan pogled na celu marinu. Regent hotel ima i spa centar, koji poseduje četri sobe za tretmane, sobu za relaksaciju, saunu, parno kupatilo, hamam, i đus bar. Fitnes centar je takođe dostupan gostima kao i tri teniska terena u okviru marine. Svi gosti imaju prioritetan pristup Lido Mar bazenu koji se takođe nalazi u marini i privatnoj plaži do koje se dolazi gliserom. Poznate ličnosti kao što su Dita Von Tesse koja je bila na otvaranju ovog hotela, Adriana Lima, samo su od nekih poznatih gostiju koji su boravili u ovom hotelu. Kao što možete i da vidite iz mog posta i slika, ovo je neverovatan hotel u kojem sam se prelepo provela i definitivno mesto koje treba da posetite, ili da budete njegov gost.
Hvala još jednom Regents Hotelu, što su me pozvali da budem njihov specijalni gost. Ako želite da rezervišete sobu ili apartman u ovom hotelu, posetite njihovu veb stranicu