Finally you can feel spring in the air, weather is becoming much warmer and I feel that boost of energy in my body, don’t you? Or some days I just want to do nothing only to see my friends and have a coffee in a cute little coffee shop so we can enjoy the sunshine. As you have seen probably I have become more and more frequent with my post and I have really enjoyed writing a post about my afternoon tea experience. Have you seen that one, go and have a look if you have not as you will find about really interesting facts about afternoon tea and how it all started. Today’s post is back to my roots, a fashion outfit post. I feel this dress that I am wearing in a post is so bright in colours and cheerful and a perfect match for a spring weather. Because of the bright colours I think that only black colour is perfect to tonne a bite down this dress so I have chosen black boots and a black leather jacket. A final touch is a cute bag that I am wearing. Bag that has been so famous and has attracted so much attention during London Fashion Week and have been featured as part of my outfit on Vogue and The Telegraph web site. I think this dress is a perfect example of the dress that you can wear to work and you look smart but you can also go after work with friends for a cocktail, take a jacket off and you will look gorgeous. So my advice for this spring is to invest in this kind of dress that is great for transformations. Don’t you agree? 🙂
Konačno se oseća proleće u vazduhu, vreme postaje sve toplije i osećam tu energiju u mom telu, koja me stalno tera da sam u pokretu, a vi? Ili ima i onih nekoliko dana kad mi se ništa ne radi, samo mi se druži sa drugaricama, doduše ukoliko imama vremena, ispija mi se kafica u nekoj maloj ušuškanoj kafeteriji, uživajući u suncu. Kao što ste verovatno već primetili postovi na blogu su postali sve učestaliji jer stvarno uživam u tome, kao što sam i uživala dok sam pisala poslednji post o popodnevnom čaju. Ukoliko niste pročitali taj poslednji post, pročitajte jer će te saznati zaista interesantne činjenice o popodnevnom čaju. A sada da se vratimo ovom postu, outfit postu. Haljina koju nosim, printa je svetlih i jarkih boja i vesela upravo kao i proleće. Smatram da baš zbog printa jarkih boja, crna boja je savršena da bi malo „ublažila“ taj efekat i zato sam se odlu?ila da je ukombinujem sa crnom kožnom jaknom i čizmicama. Da bi upotpunila ceo outfit odlučila sam se za ovu slatku malu torbicu neobičnog oblika. Torbica koja je privukla mnogo pažnje na Londonskoj nedelji mode te je dospela kao deo moje modne kombinacije u časopise poput Vogue i The Telegraph. Mislim da je ova haljina savršen primer haljine koju možete obući na posao i da izgledate lepo a ujedno i da posle posla možete sa svojim kolegama da skoknete u bar na piće, da skinete samo jaknu i dalje izgledate savršeno. Dakle moj predlog za proleće jeste da investirate u ovakvu vrstu haljinice, veselog printa, koja je odlična za transformacije. Slažete li se sa mnom?