I have a friend’s wedding to attend next month and was thinking that so many girls like me has a dilemma what to wear for that big day and because of that I have decided to write and create this post. My starting point for outfit preparation for awedding outfit or a special occasion outfit is to first search for a dress. You will see me most of the time wearing a dress for this kind of occasions as I feel very feminine when I wear a dress and it is so easy to pair it with other accessorize such as shoes and a bag. This pink and black stripe short knee length dress is made of super soft silky fabric and I feel so sophisticated and elegant and at the same time chic wearing it .It is a perfect choice for me to wear to my friend’s wedding and something I would definitely recommend to you to wear. It is a one of those staples dresses you should have in a wardrobe and a dress that never goes out of fashion, a timeless piece.(shop a dress here) Don’t you agree? Now we are coming back to accessorize and my choice is a black suede box clutch bag, embellished with gems (you can shop clutch here) .It is a perfect clutch to add a bite of sparks to the dress and something that is also important to me is that clutch has a chain inside so when you feel tired carrying in your hand as sometimes I do; you have a choice to put it over a shoulder. Final touches to compliment dress are these gorgeous black mesh dot shoes (shop shoes here) and haematite ear cuff with rhinestone bar detail (shop here) . Soft colours makeup is a right choice and I must admit that I usually go to professional makeup artist to do my make up for special occasions so than I am sure my makeup will look fab all day. So how do you like my outfit?
P.S Total outfit is by Dorothy Perkins
Dobila sam pozivnicu da prisustvujem venčanju svoje drugarice i veoma se radujem. Odmah sam pomislila kako mnoge devojke, žene, imaju dilemu šta obući za ovakve prilike i tako je nastala ideja za ovaj post. Prilikom odabira autfita za ovakve prilike uglavnom prvo tražim haljinicu jer u ovakvim prilikama najčešće i nosim haljinicu. U haljini se uvek osećam ženstveno a i vrlo je lako da se upari sa drugim aksesoarima kao što su cipele i torbica. Ova crno – roze prugasta haljinica je dužine do kolena a napravljena je od prelepe mekane i svilenkaste tkanine, osećam se sofisticirano i elegantno, a istovremeno i šik u njoj. Savršen izbor haljinice za venčanja i svečanosti te je definitivno i vama preporučujem. Haljinica koja bi se trebala naći u svakom ormaru kao ne zaobilazni komad, haljina koja nikad ne izlazi iz mode, jednom rečju bezvremenski komad.(haljinicu možete pronaći ovde). Da li se slažete? Ponovo se vraćamo na aksesoare da bi upotpunili haljinicu, moj izbor je mala torbica od prevrnute kože ukrašena cirkonima (torbicu možete pronaći ovde). Idelna torbica da se unese malo glamura u ceo autfit i ono što mi se veoma dopada kod ove torbice jeste da u unutrašnjem delu torbice postoji lanac te ukoliko se umorite noseći je u ruci imate izbor da se stavi preko ramena. Finalni pečat za celu kombinaciju su ove prelepe crne, mrežaste cipele (cipele možete pronaći ovde) i aksesoar za uho. Nežna šminka uz ovu kombinaciju pravi je izbor i moram priznati da uglavnom kad su događaji ovakvog tipa u pitanju, koristim usluge profesionalnog šminkera kako bi bila sigurna da će šminka ostati savršena ceo dan. Kako vam se dopada ova kombinacija?
P.S Veliko hvala hotel Centar , Jovani Rikalo na brzom radu i Dunji Malobabi? na prelepoj šminci 🙂