Those amazing photos are made in Belgrade just outside the Hyatt hotel and lighting outside was really magical as you can see it on the photos. I was thinking that the perfect match for this special lighting would be a blue lace dress. Trend oflace dresses is still going strong and there are more ways than ever to wear yourlace dress. Coloured lace is a great alternative to the LBD and only rule when it comes to how to wear lace dress for me would be to keep it simple. Don’t crowd the intricacies of lace with fussy accessories it is best to keep them to a minimum and I would personally choose heels as you can see, for elegance and symmetry.Lace dress is the ultimate way to display your femininity and elegance!Coloured lace makes quite a statement and I have team this beautiful lace dressfrom Closet London brand with black accessories,shoes and a clutch bag. What do you think about you this outfit?
Moja drugarica Jovana Rikalo i ja, koja je moj fotograf provele smo vikend u Beogradu u hotelu Hyatt. Sa nestrepljenjem očekujem da vam prenesem moje utiske o ovom prelepom hotelu u novom postu koji će se pronaći na blogu za par dana. Prelepe fotografije koje možete da vidite u današnjem postu nastale su upravo ispred hotela, sunčeva svetlost tog dana bila je prelepa i mi smo iskoristile taj trenutak za fotografisanje. Učinilo mi se da bi baš ova plava čipkana haljina bila idealna za taj momenat. Trend čipkane haljine još uvek traje i postoji više nego jedan način kako da je iskombinijete u savršenu odevnu kombinaciju. čipkana haljina u boji idelana je zamena za malu crnu haljinu tokom letnjih meseci. Jedino pravilo kada su u pitanju čipkane haljine bar što se mene tiče jeste da kombinacija bude svedena i da svedete aksesoare na minimum. Visoke štikle pun su pogodak za ovakve haljine jer ističu eleganciju i ženstvenost. Ova plava čipkana haljina sama po sebi je upečatljiva i ja sam se vodila mojim jedinim pravilom da svedem aksesoare na minimum, zato su crne štikle i mala torbica savršen izbor za ovu haljinu. Kako vam se dopada ova kombinacija?