No matter what’s “trending” one of my favourite pieces of clothing to incorporate into my wardrobe will always be a dress. Achieving elegance is easy when your dress is as beautiful as this one that I am wearing in this post. I feel beautiful and feminine while wearing this spectacular Closet London floral off the shoulders dress. Dress perfect to wear to special occasions such as friend wedding. I have decided to pair it with a clutch and heels. How do you like my dress?
Bez obzira šta je trenutno u trendu, nisam osoba koja slepo sledi trendove . Moj omiljeni komad garderobe u mom ormaru je haljina i uvek će biti. Osećam se tako lepo i ženstveno u ovoj spektakularnoj haljini koja otkriva ramena,brenda Closet, koju nosim u ovom postu. Postizanje elegancije veoma je lako kada je haljina lepa poput ove. Haljina savršena za nošenje na proslave poput venčanja ili neke druge specijalne prilike. Odlučila sam da uparim haljinicu sa elegantnim crnim cipelama i malom torbicom. Kako vam se dopada haljina?